The 3/4hp induction motor on my Rockwell mill is OK, but it has a bent shaft and mismatched step pulley. I'm upgrading the motor to use a 4kW brushless hobby motor, which is roughly 5hp peak. Realistically, I expect around 1kW continuous (1-1/3hp). I chose a BLDC over VFD induction drive because A) I had the motor on hand, B) they have better low-speed torque and C) brushless motors are fun :) In this first part I mill out the motor mounting plates and struggle to drill/tap some stainless pipe. Many broken taps and drills later I have the mount roughed out, ready to start mounting electronics. The motor is a 192kv Turnigy Aerodrive brushless hobby BLDC. Rated for 48v, it's max speed is ~9000 RPM. I don't expect to drive it quite so fast, and it will be geared down with a reduction pulley too.